

Setting up a maintainable and future proof architecture for new projects or revitalise your current software base.


Products for broadcasters, av production companies and other media companies. Automating your ingest process or analyzing your current storage usage.

Agile Consultancy

Increasing the effectiveness and adoption of an agile development process. Guidance on implementing Scrum or Kanban.


Most of our clients are within broadcast and av production. However our portfolio is broader with for instance insurance companies (CZ) and clients in the maritime sector. An impression:



KIT offers an consistent and automated ingest workflow based on task per project. It creates a default (customizable) folder structure per project in MediaCentral in which your assets are ingested and uses Vantage© (Telestream) to handle transcoding for assets that are not yet in production format. KIT integrates nicely with CloudUX and let's you navigate directly to your ingested assets.


ASA gives you realtime insight in the amount of data your using and helps you with keeping your MediaCentral workspace(s) under control. It gives clear insights and reports about the usage of assets and folders within MediaCentral.